TinyMonsters Wiki

Monster Totems
Decoration 4x4 monstertotem tn@2x Unlocked Level 20
Cost 35 Diamond
Sells For 70 Icon coin
Size 4x4


Once scattered around Monster Mountain, researches have spent the last few months locating and transporting each piece of the totem to the mountaintop. No one knows who crafted them, but records suggest that either an ancient civilization once lived in the region, or that there are monsters capable of creating such works of art.


  • The Monster Totems is an original decoration for the initial release.


Basic Decorations
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Premium Decorations
Clocktower  · Monster Totems
Limited Decorations
Ancient Pyramid  · Fire Imp Statue  · Scavenger Hunt Trophy  · Solstice Trophy  · Spectral Falcon  · Summer Games Statue
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